Insulated Concrete Forms

Insulated Concrete Forms Services in Arden, NC

Insulated Concrete Forms
What is Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF Construction)?

What is Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF Construction)?

Insulated concrete forms (ICFs) are hollow foam blocks which are stacked into the shape of the exterior walls of a building, reinforced with steel rebar, and then filled with concrete. ICFs combine one of the finest insulating materials, Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), with one of the strongest structural building materials, steel reinforced concrete. The result is a wall system of unmatched comfort, energy efficiency, strength and noise reduction.

Why Choose Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs)? What are the advantages of an  ICF home or building?

Why Choose Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs)? What are the advantages of an ICF home or building?

Insulated Concrete form structures are much more comfortable, quiet, and energy-efficient than those built with traditional construction methods. As you begin formulating the plans for your new home, there seems to be no end to the number of choices you have to make. It's natural to pour hours of time and effort into choosing the right paint, wall coverings, exterior finish and other aesthetics for your new home. But first take some time to decide what will be inside those walls. Traditional wood-frame construction can't compare to the safety and energy efficiency of walls built with insulating concrete forms.